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Join writer, entrepreneur, and all-around BAMF Casey Killian for this live, in-person event.

Whether you’re already a seasoned writer, have a project you revisit from time to time, or have always liked the idea of writing something, this is entirely for you!

Part networking, part coworking geared towards writing productivity, this event is meant to be a warm, intimate environment designed to just get you writing!

Bring your laptop or good old-fashioned notebook and pen, research materials (if you desire), and whatever else floats your writer boat for an evening of body-doubling to get your creative juices flowing.

Casey will provide some optional writing prompts if you just have the desire to write ANYTHING or get unstuck with a good flow. There will be water, wine, and some bites provided, too! But, as always, comfort is king, so bring anything else you desire.

Email Casey with questions!

Event Cost: $79; BRA Member use code BRAWRITES for $20 off!

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