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Witches of BRA

September 20 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Push-Up Group led by BRA Member June Suepunpuck of Joy Guide June

This group explores how to leverage practical magic in your life while celebrating the alchemy between magic and business.

How to Use Human Design to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Witches of BRA push-up group led by June Suepunpuck

If you are struggling to attract your ideal clients and want to learn how to conjure up more abundance in your business, this workshop is for you. Join in as June will be teaching you how human design can magically reveal your magnetism style!

Register for Free (BRA Members)

Pay per Meeting (Non-Members)

Push-Up Group meetings are included as part of BRA Membership

NOTE: BRA Members must log in to their online Member Accounts in order to register.

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Relationship Alliance