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You’ve got a message, a mission – something that you want to share. Here at BRA, we *know* you’re the bee’s knees. But does the rest of the world know?

Getting yourself (and your message) onto stages requires a combination of having a rock-solid message, a focused community you’re talking to, consistent networking and marketing, and a heck of a lot of persistence.

Join business coach, speaker, and media expert Kylie Hodges for a reboot of BRA’s “I’m Speaking” Push-Up Group!

This monthly Zoom call will not only help you make progress toward honing your message and the strategy to get out there, but also the community, support, and confidence you need to shake off the inner critic and make big moves on a regular basis. Let’s get you booked, baby!

Email Team BRA with questions

Welcome to BRA - Business
Relationship Alliance