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Feeling the pressure, anxiety and overwhelm of yet another chaotic Holiday Season? 

Feel like the holiday season is yes ANOTHER job you didn’t apply for? 

Or  do you maybe just want to bring the magic back despite what’s happening in the world? 

Join Liz Svatek for a 4-hour immersive holiday survival guide LIVE. 

Together, we’ll reclaim your holidays, ensuring you end the year in radical gratitude and begin the new year with momentum and inspiration. 

What's in Store

Hour 1 – Holiday Survival Guide: Arm yourself with strategies and tools to not just survive, but thrive during the holidays.

Hour 2 – Self-Care During Festivities: Discover how to prioritize yourself and embrace a little self-indulgence, because the holidays are for everyone—including you.

Hour 3 – Managing Family Dynamics and Obligations: Explore ways to handle holiday stress and toxic family dynamics, realizing you have the power of choice.

Hour 4 – Crafting Your Ideal Holiday: Wrap up this immersive session by mapping out a strategy to:

  • Finish the year with a heart full of gratitude.
  • Expertly handle holiday stresses and challenging family dynamics.
  • Put yourself first, guilt-free.
  • Design and experience the festive season just as you’ve always envisioned.

Free event! Just register to get the zoom link!

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