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Date: August 18th, 2023

Time: 10AM PT

Are you a busy female entrepreneur who wants more energy to get through your packed to-do list more efficiently? Do you want to have consistent focus throughout your day without the mid-afternoon crash when you reach for those M&M’s and 3rd cup of coffee? Being a female entrepreneur with an established business is demanding, but it doesn’t have to be draining. Join this empowering session with Dr. Cindy Tsai, MD to learn practical tips and strategies to feel more energized now! You’re going to get your own “So Much Better Energy Blueprint” that will help you optimize your energy levels to have consistent energy throughout your day to stay focused, sharp, and productive.

More Takeaways You Won’t Want to Miss:

1) Discover your “So Much Better Energy Blueprint”: Understand your personal energy patterns and how to leverage to attract your ideal clients.

2) Optimize your Energy Levels: Gain practical strategies to enhance your energy levels for productivity and success.

3) Decrease Stress to Enhance Well-Being

About Dr. Cindy: Dr. Cindy Tsai, MD is an award-winning board-certified Physician, TEDx Speaker, Bestselling Author and Chief Wellness Officer to busy female entrepreneurs. She is the visionary Founder of Yes & More, a personal growth and wellness company dedicated to empowering women to thrive and say YES to themselves and more. Dr. Cindy’s unwavering passion lies in women’s health and preventative health and medicine. She’s excited to serve and inspire as a leader in the field of holistic health and wellness to foster a healthier and happier world.  You deserve to be well. Sign-up below!!

Email Cindy with questions!

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