​​Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Every year, from mid September to mid October, Hispanic Heritage Month takes place in the United States. 

According to the National Museum of the American Latino, Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and recognize Hispanic and Latino history and culture and highlight the many contributions made to the history and culture of the United States, including important advocacy work, vibrant art, popular and traditional foods, and much more. 

We believe this is also an opportunity to celebrate some of our incredible Hispanic and Latino BRA Network Members who have entered the exciting and incredible world of entrepreneurship. This month we are shining a spotlight on the achievements of three dynamic Hispanic female entrepreneurs who are breaking barriers and making their mark in the business world. 

Their journeys embody the resilience, creativity, and tenacity that define entrepreneurial success, while also highlighting the cultural richness they bring to their industries. Through their stories, we honor not only their individual accomplishments but also the broader contributions of Hispanic women to entrepreneurship and innovation. Let’s dive into their inspiring paths and the unique businesses they’ve built.

But first, do you know the difference between Hispanic and Latino? The terms are often used interchangeably, but actually there is a difference between the two. 

Hispanic refers to people who speak Spanish or are descended from Spanish-speaking populations, while Latino refers to people who are from or descended from people from Latin America. (To read a more in depth explanation of the differences and similarities between the two terms, check out this article in VeryWellMind.) The more you know!

Angel Rodriguez, CEO and COO of rfc21

Interview with Angel Rodriguez, Founder of rfc21, for Hispanic Heritage Month

Angel, tell us about your entrepreneurial journey. What inspired you to start your business?

After 23 years in public child welfare, I found myself feeling both like I was just getting started and ready to be done. It might sound strange, but if you’ve spent decades in a field like this, you’ll understand how mentally, physically, and spiritually draining it can be. The pandemic only intensified those feelings, and I knew it was time to turn the page—not just to a new chapter, but to an entirely new book. That’s when I started to consider becoming an entrepreneur, something I never thought was in the cards for me. 

At first, I assumed I would transition to another job, maybe in a nonprofit or philanthropic organization. But after some unsuccessful attempts to find the right fit, I had a conversation with my wife, and we began to seriously weigh the pros and cons of starting our own business. In the end, it made the most sense. I learned as I went, made mistakes, and got comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

My goal was to shift my focus from intervention, which dominated my career in public child welfare, to prevention. Now, as a business owner, I approach the system from a different angle and contribute to communities in new ways. I never thought I’d become an entrepreneur, but the opportunity to serve families, communities, and organizations in this capacity was too compelling to pass up.

Our first client was an Indigenous Tribe in Los Angeles County seeking federal recognition. We began working with them in late 2020 to support them in reclaiming their members and create a healing space within their community. This project has been a testament to the courage it took to take that leap into entrepreneurship, the power of partnership, and a commitment to creating a legacy of meaningful change.

In what ways do you incorporate cultural values into your business practices or brand?

Incorporating cultural values into my business practices is deeply rooted in my identity as a Latina. It also extends beyond that to the way I use storytelling as a powerful tool for connection and change. Growing up, I was surrounded by stories—those told by my family, passed down from generation to generation, filled with lessons about resilience, community, and strength. These stories shaped who I am, and I carry them into my work, using them to bridge gaps, foster empathy, and drive transformation. 

Storytelling, however, plays a central role in my business beyond just cultural connection. I believe that stories can create change. When I work with communities of color or public organizations, I encourage the use of personal and communal narratives to highlight strengths, reframe challenges, and envision a path forward. This not only honors the cultural histories of the people we work with but also builds a business practice that is deeply human, personal, and reflective of shared experiences.

In this way, my business isn’t just informed by my culture as a Latina, but also by the universal power of storytelling. I seek to uplift the stories of others, especially those who have been historically marginalized, ensuring that their voices are heard and their experiences drive the change we aim to create.

What role does community play in your success? How has the Hispanic community supported your journey?

Community is everything to me and it’s broad. It’s about relationships, support, and a sense of shared values. That’s part of what I love about being a part of the BRA Network! My success is driven by a combination of personal resilience and the encouragement I’ve received from those around me—mentors, peers, and allies across different backgrounds. I am fortunate to have a strong network of professionals that know my work ethic. They provide me with referrals and can attest to my knowledge and skills. 

I don’t necessarily see my cultural community as Hispanic because I don’t identify in that way. I am a Latina because my mother’s family is Mexican-American and my father was an immigrant to the US from Nicaragua. To me, my cultural community is broad and is one aspect of what makes me who I am. My professional and personal growth has been shaped by people who see beyond labels, empowering me to break barriers. I’ve felt supported by those who understand the nuances of my identity, recognizing that my contributions are unique but grounded in a broader sense of belonging.

What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you personally and professionally?

Personally, it is a time to reflect on the complexity and richness of our shared histories and experiences. It’s a chance to celebrate my identity and the contributions of others in ways that are authentic and meaningful. For me, it’s not just about celebrating culture—it’s about honoring resilience, creativity, and the ongoing work to create equity and justice for our communities. To be truthful, I only refer to it as “Hispanic Heritage” because that is how it is labeled in popular culture. 

Professionally, this month is an opportunity to elevate diverse voices, bring awareness to and share stories of leadership, and push back against limited narratives about what success looks like. It is a time to amplify the influence of leaders, not just during these 4 weeks, but year-round. It motivates me to continue advocating for inclusivity in spaces where our voices might still be underrepresented, and to mentor others on their journeys, showing that there is no single path to success. 

How do you use your platform to uplift other women, especially those from underrepresented communities?

Through mentorship, advocacy, and leadership development, my goal is to amplify women’s voices and equip them with the tools they need to break through systemic barriers. Whether it’s through workshops, speaking engagements, or collaborative projects, I thrive on fostering environments where women can grow both personally and professionally. I am on a Board of Directors for a local nonprofit that provides services in my community to multicultural and multi-generational families, including those with exceptional needs. The leadership and mentorship program for young girls is especially close to my heart, as it nurtures and guides them as they grow, helping them reach their fullest potential. I am deeply passionate about ensuring these girls know they are supported and empowered by successful women who are committed to leading, mentoring, and investing in their future.

I also make it a point to support the contributions of women from diverse backgrounds and ensure that they are seen, heard, and valued. I am able to do this by being an active member of various communities where we uplift one another in a personal and professional sense. Being an entrepreneur can be difficult and it is critical to have places where we can go to motivate and encourage one another. This includes creating spaces where their stories and experiences are recognized not as exceptions, but as integral to the larger narrative of leadership and innovation. By sharing my own journey and vulnerabilities, I hope to model what’s possible and inspire others to take ownership of their power, while also working collectively to uplift one another.

To learn more about Angel’s business, please visit her website.

Interview with Sandy Correa and Ana Gaona, Founders of Two Peacocks Travel, for Hispanic Heritage Month

Ana and Sandy, tell us about your entrepreneurial journey. What inspired you to start your business?

Our friendship kicked off almost 10 years ago when we were working as hospital administrators, juggling everything from operations to patient care in a busy level one trauma center. In such a demanding environment, having each other’s backs was a must. The real fun began when we heard a hilarious story about someone trying to board a plane with a peacock as an emotional support animal. That story stuck with us, and it became the perfect inspiration for our business name, Two Peacocks—a nod to our energetic personalities and unwavering support for each other.

Fast forward to the summer of 2022, and we took our kids on an unforgettable trip to Spain. After all the challenges of COVID-19, this adventure really reminded us of the transformative power of travel. Inspired by that experience and our first WeWo event, we kicked off a cultural immersion program for students. That quickly grew into women’s group travel, helping women push boundaries and embrace meaningful change. We’ve since expanded into destination management services, handling the behind-the-scenes magic for destination retreats. Our story is proof that travel can inspire reinvention and leave a lasting mark on the world. Anything is possible!


In what ways do you incorporate cultural values into your business practices or brand?

At Two Peacocks Travel, we put cultural values at the center of everything we do! We create travel experiences that connect you with the heart of each destination. Our trips are packed with activities that let you dive into local communities, traditions, and histories.

We partner with local guides, artisans, and businesses to ensure our trips reflect the authentic vibe of each region. We believe in responsible tourism, so you’re not just seeing the sights—you’re really getting to know the culture. From exploring local markets to participating in cultural rituals and chatting with community leaders, we focus on unforgettable moments beyond the typical tourist stuff.

This approach not only makes your travel richer but also supports sustainable tourism and gives back to the communities we visit. 


Have you seen a shift in how Hispanic entrepreneurs are perceived in the business world? If so, what changes have you noticed?

Absolutely! More people are recognizing the unique contributions we bring, from our rich cultures to our innovative ideas.

Major companies are now actively looking to partner with Hispanic-owned businesses and we are seeing more funding opportunities. We’re also getting more media attention. There are features in business magazines and podcasts that celebrate our stories and successes. Brands like Lil Libros, children books which celebrate cultural diversity and bilingual literature in English and Spanish, and Nopalera, known for natural body products inspired by the beauty and richness of Mexico, are shining examples of how Hispanic culture is thriving in the mainstream.

While there’s still work to do in terms of representation and breaking down barriers, the progress is definitely encouraging! More people are not only recognizing us but also valuing what we bring to the entrepreneurial scene.


How do you balance maintaining cultural authenticity while appealing to a broader audience?

We absolutely love finding that sweet spot between keeping it real and reaching out to everyone! Staying true to our roots is super important to us, and we make sure our heritage shines through in everything we do. As bilingual entrepreneurs who proudly wear our cultural pride on our sleeves, we bring our authentic selves into the business, making it easy to connect with all kinds of travelers.

By weaving our heritage and values into the heart of our brand, we offer something truly special that resonates with anyone looking for genuine connections, meaningful experiences, and a dash of purpose in their travels. So whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or just dipping your toes into adventure, we’ve got something awesome for you!


What advice would you give to young Hispanic women looking to start their own businesses?

Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself! Your journey is uniquely yours, and it’s completely okay to change direction if that’s what feels right for you. There will always be critics or naysayers, but remember, it’s your vision that matters most. Embrace your creativity and trust your instincts. Each reinvention brings new opportunities, so take the leap and chase what truly excites you!


How do you use your platform to uplift other women, especially those from underrepresented communities?

Looking back at our combined 50+ years in public service, we know how important it is to lift other women up. We’ve faced our share of closed doors and heard, “You can’t do that!” But here we are, thriving and loving it! Yes, there have been some bumps along the way, but the amazing moments far outweigh the not-so-great ones, and we’re proud of sticking to our passion.

We’re living proof of how transformative travel can be, and our mission is to inspire women to redefine their paths. Leaving our old jobs was a little scary, but it helped us reconnect with our true selves and dive into this exciting new journey in travel. Our platform is all about empowering women, especially from underrepresented communities, showing them that reinvention isn’t just possible—it’s incredibly rewarding!

Through our curated travel experiences, we encourage women to embrace change, rediscover their passions, and give back to the communities we visit. We create spaces where women can explore their potential, share their stories, and feel empowered to live authentically—just like we’ve done in our third act.

To learn more about Two Peacocks Travel, visit their website or check out their Instagram!


If you’re interested in joining an inclusive professional community that celebrates you AND provides plenty of opportunities for networking and growth, sign up for the next Fitting Room. You’ll discover how we can support you and your business during this free virtual orientation. You’ll also get to know our Founder, Carrie Murray, and connect with some BRA Members!

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